Ideas to get out of dares

Dare- Dance like Michael Jackson
You-Lay on the ground

Friday, January 21, 2011

10 reasons why i miss Audrey

1.her sarcasm
2.she is sooooo funny
3.she loves monkeys
4.she was like my sister
5.i ujst plain miss her
6. i miss the lovable Audrey smile
7. how she could make anything funny
8.she loves gymnastics
9.i miss her awsomely insanely awsome family(Olivia,Claire bear, crazy Mrs.Sue,Mr.Mick, and of course Gigi.)
10.and last but not least she's my best friend


Tuesday, September 28, 2010


5  worst things about Japan

  1. Squattie potties (See below)    
2. Jellyfish!

3. Crawfish-flavored chips

4.  Anything that resembles a fish and isn't moving

5.  Th fact that there's a 7 11 every block,but no slurpees.

5 Things that are better in Japan then America

5. Mcdonald's food

4. Movies on base (I've been to 11 since I got here two months ago)

3. Sodas  I like melon, Strawberry, and white grape

2.  Mexican food! (But NOT Italian!!)

And, last but not least...

1. Ice cream!!!   I like blue raspberry, melon, coconut,cotton candy, and soda pop

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Worst T.V shows

Worst: Sonny With A chance, Hannah Montana,Any shows on Nick Jr., Same with Playhouse Disney.
And, last and LEAST...SESAME STREET!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Jokes about crossing stuff

My picks for the 3 best jokes abot crossing stuff
3.Why did the chicken cross the---"Holy crap! A chicken in the road!
2.Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide.
1.Why did Brett Farve cross the road? Forget it...he changed his mind.

Lame Jokes

My Picks for the top 5 lamest jokes:

5. Two muffins are sitting in an oven... Muffin #1-"Man is it getting hot in here!" Muffin #2-"Holy Crap! talking muffin!"
4.Whats thin, brown and sticky? A stick
2.What kind of candy gives you the giggles? A laffy taffy
1. Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Happy Baptisim, Gigi

My extremly special 8 month old baby sister, Gigi is getting baptized  tomorrow and Casey and I are very exited! We went to Jo-Anns and are now making the precious baby girl blankets. WE LOVE YOU GIGI! STAY SWEET!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

5th grade trip!!!

i am so looking forward o the 5th grade trip to universal studios, beacause i get to go with my 2 bestist freinds in the class. But waking up at 6:30 im not to thrilled about but when we get there it'll all be good and i will get to go on rides that give me thrills that i dont have to wake up to.cant wait,till then i am sighning           O-U-T, out.
